Monday, May 12, 2008

This One's for you Sara

I am dedicating this blog, my first, to Sara K. Anderson. After reading her blogs, I was inspired to carve out my own little niche in cyberspace where I can post thoughts that are probably only important to me.

But, maybe I'll inspire some other person to get out there and start writing about nothing. Most of my blogs will probably orginate from the library computer lab, where I am right now, since the cruel techies at my place of employment have deemed it necessary to block "blogspot" and other such sites.

I am already five minutes over on my lunch break and the person next to me smells like cheese, so I'm leaving now, but hopefully I'll be back soon writing about stuff that will make people think I'm awesome.

1 comment:

Sara K. said...

Yay! I think you're awesome! I'll add a link to your blog asap! Looking forward to future thoughts from an overthinker!

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