Wednesday, May 21, 2008

7 Comments on the "Comment"

Hello Readers,
The writer of the lengthy comment (that was pretty vain and guilty wasn't it?) on my "Clarification" blog chose to insult me in a personal way because they disagreed with my philosophy on work and life. Despite the temptation of posting the stellar rebuttal that I have penned, I have chosen to send that directly and privately to the commenter to spare them the embarassment that they tried to bestow upon me. 
However, I will make a few general statements that sum up my feelings on the above referenced comment.
1)  This blog was not meant for anyone specific
2)  Just because I don't work too much doesn't mean I can't express my opinion on people who do (if you disagree, maybe you're a fascist)
3)  No, it is not "necessary" to spend all of my free time with my spouse. I just want to.
4)  Working 40 hours a week does not make my job more important than God or Dave.  In fact, it's an important way of serving them both (see Proverbs 31:10-12, Proverbs 21:25).
5)  I do enjoy material blessings.  I admit it openly.  I simply will not sacrifice my home life to get them.  (see Matthew 6:19-20)
6)  It's obvious that this blog was upsetting to the commenter.  I think that person should consider why, since it honestly was not targeted at them.
7)  This blog was not created to be a debate forum, and I look forward to writing about a totally new topic very soon.  Keep checking back!

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