Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Some Blogtastic Thoughts on Marriage

Today is our two year anniversary, and despite the fact that Dave has been mocking me for even having a blog by making up words like "bloggeriffic" and "blogtastic," I can honestly say that I am as happy as I was when we were in the blissful dating stage and we could do no wrong - spending way too much time in the car, freezing to death while we talked outside our dorms, and dodging C of O security (maybe it wasn't that blissful :).
Dave and I have both made it clear to one another on numerous occasions since that picture-perfect May day two years ago that we are both capable of doing wrong.  But I feel like we've also made it clear that it doesn't matter - that when we said "for better or worse," we really meant it.  Honestly, I don't think we've even tasted "worse" yet, but we're in it for the long haul just the same.
Before we got married, so many people told us "The first year is the hardest...If you can survive the first year then you'll be fine."  Dave and I didn't merely survive the first year - we loved it.  The second year was a piece of cake, and I can't wait to see what year three has in store for us.  So for anyone out there who is afraid of marriage just because of what it represents, a lifelong commitment, don't be.  If you are with the right person, nothing beats getting to spend every day with them. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Backyard Beauty

This past weekend, Dave and I went to see Prince Caspian. I was really needing a little willing suspension of disbelief, so I enjoyed it thoroughly. Although, the sweeping camera shots of all those breathtaking landscapes made me sincerely wish I could visit Narnia, even if it isn't what it used to be.

After the credits started rolling and I realized that Narnia wasn't a real place, it made me sincerely wish I could visit wherever the movie was filmed. When I realized that probably wouldn't happen in the near future, my heart actually started to hurt. Not just because I wouldn't be able to visit the "set" of Prince Caspian, but at the thought that I might not get to travel extensively. I have such a strong desire to see as much of the world as possible because for me, it is one of the most awesome displays of God's majesty, and I wan't to see all of it I can.

The next day, Dave and I visited Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park. We had been there once before, and I remembered it being pretty, but this time it was beautiful. I was actually overwhelmed with how beautiful and lush it was, and how the air smelled like honeysuckle. At that moment, it occured to me that I'm not sure my senses could have been more pleased by any place than they were right then, as I watched the wind make waves in the tall grass.

So I guess I'm saying that sometimes intense beauty is right in your backyard and you might not even realize it. I still plan to travel the world and the seven seas, but every time I consider the possibility that my plans might not pan out, I'll try to remember that day we spent in the tall grass just 20 minutes from home.

7 Comments on the "Comment"

Hello Readers,
The writer of the lengthy comment (that was pretty vain and guilty wasn't it?) on my "Clarification" blog chose to insult me in a personal way because they disagreed with my philosophy on work and life. Despite the temptation of posting the stellar rebuttal that I have penned, I have chosen to send that directly and privately to the commenter to spare them the embarassment that they tried to bestow upon me. 
However, I will make a few general statements that sum up my feelings on the above referenced comment.
1)  This blog was not meant for anyone specific
2)  Just because I don't work too much doesn't mean I can't express my opinion on people who do (if you disagree, maybe you're a fascist)
3)  No, it is not "necessary" to spend all of my free time with my spouse. I just want to.
4)  Working 40 hours a week does not make my job more important than God or Dave.  In fact, it's an important way of serving them both (see Proverbs 31:10-12, Proverbs 21:25).
5)  I do enjoy material blessings.  I admit it openly.  I simply will not sacrifice my home life to get them.  (see Matthew 6:19-20)
6)  It's obvious that this blog was upsetting to the commenter.  I think that person should consider why, since it honestly was not targeted at them.
7)  This blog was not created to be a debate forum, and I look forward to writing about a totally new topic very soon.  Keep checking back!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Hello all.  It seems that my previous post has offended some who feel their overtime is worthwhile.  Perhaps I should have been more specific about my commitment to work vs. family.
Occasionally going the extra mile to do your job well and help out your company or co-workers is not what I was referring to in my address to "folks."  I am referring to those who consistently stay late in an effort to gain more money or more power or more of something else that doesn't matter at their family's expense. 
I hope that my stance on that matter is a little clearer now.
Ta ta

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Basics

I feel like I should outline my basic philosophy on life so that you, dear reader, will have some context for my ramblings.

Religion - I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I try to make my life something that will give Him pleasure and glorify Him, not me. I don't claim to be perfect, only forgiven. Neither do I claim that God's grace is a justification for sin. I am just grateful that I know the Lord and really hope that how I carry out my existence will lead others to Christ.

Love - The first thing that comes to mind when I use that word is my husband Dave, although it should probably be the guy in the previously discussed topic. I think that love flourishes when honesty is welcomed, forgiveness is quick and genuine, patience is infinite and humor is abundant. Dave continually amazes me with his unending selflessness, and I do my best to show him how much I appreciate him every day. So far whatever we're doing is working. We're almost two years in and happier than ever.

Life in General - God, family and friends (I try to keep them in that order) are priorities for me. Work is not. I enjoy my job, but would always rather be at home or out having fun, which is why I'll probably never "get ahead." I arrive at 8 a.m. and leave at 4:30 p.m. on the dot. Maybe that makes me just an average nobody, but this nobody would much rather spend her time with people that matter to me doing things that matter to me. Wake up folks...when the Lord calls your name, it won't matter how much overtime you worked, how much money was in your bank account, what car you drove, or how many square feet your house is. It will matter whose lives you touched and how many souls you won for Christ. Those things are eternal.

Monday, May 12, 2008

This One's for you Sara

I am dedicating this blog, my first, to Sara K. Anderson. After reading her blogs, I was inspired to carve out my own little niche in cyberspace where I can post thoughts that are probably only important to me.

But, maybe I'll inspire some other person to get out there and start writing about nothing. Most of my blogs will probably orginate from the library computer lab, where I am right now, since the cruel techies at my place of employment have deemed it necessary to block "blogspot" and other such sites.

I am already five minutes over on my lunch break and the person next to me smells like cheese, so I'm leaving now, but hopefully I'll be back soon writing about stuff that will make people think I'm awesome.

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